Pelikan Pen Size Comparisons

Range of Pelikan Fountain Pens
Our most popular type of pen is a fountain pen and so we have put together a size comparison of the fountain pens from the the Epoch, Pura, Souveran and Ductus ranges.
In the below comparison, it is important to note that the M600 in the centre could be considered a 'medium' sized pen.
Our best selling fountain pens are the M400 (or M405 which has silver rather than gold trim) for both men and women and M800 (or M805) which is most bought by men who prefer a large pen.
The M1000 is a very large pen which is most often bought as a signature pen for men or a pen for small amounts of writing, such as writing doctor's prescriptions.
M1000 Dimensions:
Weight - 33g
Length (capped) - 14.5cm
Length (posted*) - 17.7cm
Holds 2.0ml of ink (for comparison, a short ink cartridge holds 0.75ml)
M800 Dimensions:
Weight - 29g
Length (capped) - 14cm
Length (posted*) - 17cm
Holds 2.0ml of ink
M600 Dimensions
Weight - 18g
Length (Closed) - 13cm
Length (Cap Posted) - 15.4cm
Holds c. 1.75ml of ink
M400 Dimensions
Weight - 15g
Length (Closed) - 12.5cm
Length (Cap Posted) - 15cm
Holds c. 1.5ml of ink
M300 Dimensions - This is a VERY SMALL pen
Weight - 11g
Length (Closed) - 11cm
Length (Cap Posted) - 13.3cm
Holds c. 0.75ml of ink
*‘Posted’ means the cap is placed on the end of the pen, opposite the nib.